The college library is well stocked and fully computerized. The library facilities are upgrading in terms of collection covering almost all aspects of Science, Commerce and Humanities books. Besides this, the college library is enriched with journals, magazines, encyclopeadias, reference Books and cd’s as well. The present Collection of the Library is 13943
College Library was shifted in a separate newly constructed building in 2018 comprising of General Section, Processing Section, Reference Section (with reading hall ).Library is well furnished with modern facilities.

- Students and teachers of the College
- Administrative Staff of the College
- Reference Service
- Web OPAC Service ( two terminals at the entry serve to facilitate searching and reservation of books)
- Students are issued bar-coded identity cards.
- Reprographic Service
- Electronic Information Service
- User Awareness Service
- Xerox Facility
The library takes an active part in the orientation programme for the benefit of new students in the beginning of academic year. They are taken around the library to familiarize them with various recourses and services available for them.
- The library remains open on all working days from 10.00 am to 4.00pm
- Library membership card is non transferable and is compulsory for entering into the library
- Students can retain a book for a period of 15 days.
- Personal belongings like bags, laptops and other such items should be deposited at the property counter against a token.
- A member who will loss identity card shall make a written report to the principal. A duplicate card shall be issued on payment under rules.
- Readers should observe strict Silence inside the library.
- Use of mobile phones is not permitted inside the library premises.
- Marking, scratching ,damaging ,stealing library materials or property will invite disciplinary action against the defaulters.