Government Degree College Ganderbal
Ganderbal, Kashmir
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updated time table of BG 2nd semseter; Dated: 27-3-2025
Theatre Club and Art Club of GDC Ganderbal are going to organise a 15 days theatre workshop. In this context, interested students can register their names with the convener theatre club by or before 06-04-2025; Dated: 24-3-2025
Important notification for students; Dated: 13-3-2025
Updated timetable of BG 4th semester batch 2023; Dated: 13-3-2025
Timetable for BG 2nd semester , batch 2024; Dated: 13-3-2025
IMPORTANT NOTICE regarding commencement of classes for B.G 2nd Semester BCA(Batch 2024); Dated: 12-3-2025
Notice : Those students who have registered their names for Intra Mural Tournament of Carrom and Chess, that the said tournament will Start from 10-3-2025 to 23-03-2025; Dated: 12-3-2025
IMPORTANT NOTICE "e-Yantra Project: Physical Interaction Session for final shortlisting on 1st March 2025 at RUSA Lab"; Dated: 28-2-2025
Important Notice for BG ist Semester students regarding Rescheduled Paper; Dated: 24-2-2025
Postphone of Major Paper of BG 1st semester batch 2024 dated 26-02-2024; Dated: 19-2-2025
Registration for a visit to Tagore Hall Srinagar on International Mother Language Day, Feb 21, 2025; Dated: 18-2-2025
Skill datesheet for BG 1st semester batch 2024 and backlog batches (2022-23); Dated: 18-2-2025
Time table for BG 4th semester batch 2023; Dated: 18-2-2025
Time table for BG 6th semester batch 2022; Dated: 13-2-2025
Important Notice for Backlog students of BG 1st Semester batch 2022,2023; Dated: 25-1-2025
Important notification for backlog candidates of BG 1st Semester (Batch 2022-23); Dated: 16-1-2025
Important notice for BG 3rd semester students; Dated: 30-12-2024
Skill datesheet of BG 3rd Semester batch 2023 and backlog candidates 2022; Dated: 17-12-2024
Important Notice regarding ABC ID; Dated: 11-12-2024
Internal examination of EVS, Minor 3rd and 1st semester; Dated: 11-12-2024
Important Notice for BG 1st semester students of batch 2024; Dated: 11-12-2024
Tentative Datesheet of Skill theory examination of BG 3rd semester batch 2023; Dated: 11-12-2024
Important Notice for BG 3rd and 5th semester students who have applied for Financial Aid Assistance that their Interview and Document Verification will be held on 7th Dec 2024; Dated: 4-12-2024
Important Notice for students regarding Examination fee; Dated: 30-11-2024
Datesheet for Practical Examination of BG Ist , 3rd and 5th semester of Physics Department; Dated: 27-11-2024
Important Notice for students especially who are in final semester to participate in Skill Based Opportunities; Dated: 27-11-2024
Red Ribbon Club In collaboration with NSS and Theatre Club is going to organize World Aids Day 2024 on 2nd Dec 2024.; Dated: 26-11-2024
Important notice for students to register themselves for Viksit Bharat Quiz from 25-11-24 to 5 Dec 2024.; Dated: 26-11-2024
All the students are hereby notified to register themselves on My Bharat Portal within 03 days.; Dated: 26-11-2024
Datesheet for Internal Practical assessment of Botany for BG 5th semester; Dated: 26-11-2024
Datesheet for Internal Practical assessment of Botany (Morphology of Angiosperms) for BG 3rd semester.; Dated: 26-11-2024
Datesheet for Internal Practical assessment of Botany (Microbes and Algae) for BG ist semester; Dated: 26-11-2024
DATESHEET FOR INTERNAL ASSESSMENTS FOR THE STUDENTS OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Semester 1st (Batch 2024), Semester 3rd (Batch 2023) and Semester 5th (Batch 2022); Dated: 5-12-2024
Fee Structure for BG 3rd semsester backlog students of Batch 2022; Dated: 20-11-2024
Important notice for UG 3rd semester backlog students of batch 2022; Dated: 19-11-2024
Notice regarding disbursement of Financial Aid; Dated: 14-11-2024
Department of English: Internal Assessment 5th Sem Batch NEP 2022; Dated: 11-11-2024
Notice for students regarding Grievance Cell; Dated: 9-11-2024
updated timetable for BG 1st semester Batch 2024; Dated: 28-10-2024
Refund of caution money for BG 5th semester students of batch 2022; Dated: 14-10-2024
Time table for BG Ist semester Batch 2024; Dated: 10-10-2024
The National Institute of Information Technology is organizing two days Annual Technical Festival Techvaganza w.e.f. 10/10/2024 to 11/10/2024; Dated: 27-9-2024
List of Students with their allotted buses; Dated: 19-9-2024
Picnic Notice for Girls; Dated: 12-9-2024
Important Notice for BG 3rd ,4th semester and 5th ,6th semester.; Dated: 19-9-2024
List of Students registered their names for picnic .; Dated: 13-9-2024
Picnic Notice for Boys of BG 5th semester batch 2022; Dated: 13-9-2024
Datesheet for BG 6th Semester Students of (Batch-2016-2021) who have missed Papers due to one or other reason Session: September-October, 2024; Dated: 13-9-2024
The Department of Urdu is organising 7 Days Workshop on Calligraphy titled "Preserving Tradition through Art" . In this context, all the interested students who intend to participate in the said workshop can register their names with these faculty members.; Dated: 12-9-2024
Timetable for BG 3rd Semester batch 2023; Dated: 28-8-2024
Important Notice for Non CUET Candidates; Dated: 7-9-2024
Important Notice for UG 6th semester students of batch 2016-2021 ,held in May June 2024; Dated: 31-8-2024
Merit list of CUET Round -II; Dated: 30-8-2024
College Red Ribbon Club in collaboration with NSS units is going to commemorate International Youth Day 2024; Dated: 28-8-2024
Time table for BG5th semester batch 2022; Dated: 12-8-2024
Admission Notice in respect of B.G 5th & 6th semester under NEP 2020 scheme; Dated: 16-8-2024
Counselling Notice for BG 3rd and 4th semester; Dated: 14-8-2024
Counselling schedule Notice for 5th and 6th semester batch 2022; Dated: 14-8-2024
Admission Notice for CUET Round -I; Dated: 14-8-2024
Admission Notice for BG 3rd and 4th semester batch 2023; Dated: 14-8-2024
Re-Evaluation Form* *BG 6th Semester Examination Regular Batch 2021 & Backlog Batches 2016-2020 held in May-June, 2024*; Dated: 3-8-2024
Skill Datesheet of BG 2nd sem NEP of batch 2023; Dated: 31-7-2024
Admit cards for BG 2nd sem batch 2023; Dated: 25-7-2024
Admission for CUET /Non CUET candidates for session 2024-25; Dated: 18-7-2024
Revised Datesheet for Regular/Fresh Private candidates of BG 4th Semester (Batch-2022) Under NEP 2020 Session July-August, 2024; Dated: 18-7-2024
Revised Datesheet for Regular/Fresh Private candidates of BG 2nd Semester (Batch-2023) and Backlog candidates of (Batch-2022) Under NEP 2020 Session July-August, 2024; Dated: 18-7-2024
Admission Notification for CUET/Non CUET students .; Dated: 16-7-2024
The Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi is organising one day Symposium on “21st Century Kashmiri Poetry” on Monday 08th of July 2024 at Govt. Degree College Ganderbal at 10:30 am in the College Auditorium. Interested students can register their names in the Female Staff room, west campus till 4:00 pm, 06-07-2024 with Dr. Nusrat Jan HOD Kashmiri and Mr. Arshid Ahmad.; Dated: 5-7-2024
It is for the information of all the students of BG 2nd semester Batch 2023 "NEP" that their Skill theory examination scheduled on 06-07-2024 stands postponed. Fresh date shall be issued soonly.; Dated: 3-7-2024
Tentative Datesheet for Skill theory examination of BG 2nd semester batch 2023 (NEP ); Dated: 26-6-2024
Internal Assessment of Urdu for BG 4th semester batch 2022; Dated: 25-6-2024
As part of the internal assessment, all the students of 2nd semester General English Minor are directed to submit the assignment on the following topics before June 27, 2024: 1.Blake as a romantic poet 2. Theme in the short story The Bet No assignment will be accepted after the mentioned date. Students who have submitted need not to re-submit Department of English; Dated: 24-6-2024
All the students of BANEP 4th semester (Batch 2022) with English Literature as Major are informed that their internal examination of Major 2 (American literature) will be held on 28th June 2024 (Friday) at 10:30 a.m. The venue for the said examination will be Room 1W. There will be no second chance for any candidate. The exam will be held for unit 3 and 4 Deptt. Of English; Dated: 24-6-2024
It is notified for the information of all eligible Backlog candidates of BG 2nd Semester Batch 2022 under NEP that the link for online submission of examination forms shall be available on the University website / w.e.f 24-06-2024 to 03-07-2024.; Dated: 22-6-2024
All the students of British literature, semester 4th (minor/major) are hereby informed that their tutorial examination will be held on 24th June at 11:20 am in their alloted classroom positively. Inshallah Noted .. Attendance carry 10 marks and no second chance will be given to any student.; Dated: 22-6-2024
All the students of BA NEP 2nd semester (Batch 2023) with English Literature as Major/Minor are informed that their internals will be held on 29th June 2024 (Saturday) at 11.30 a.m. The venue for the said examination will be Room 4W. There will be no second chance for any candidate. Deptt. Of English; Dated: 21-6-2024
All the students of BA NEP 4th semester (Batch 2022) with English Literature as Major/Minor are informed that their internals of Major 3 (Diasporic Literature) will be held on 27th June 2024 (Thursday) at 11.30 a.m. The venue for the said examination will be Room 1W. There will be no second chance for any candidate. Deptt. Of English; Dated: 21-6-2024
Conduct of internal examination / assessment of EVS Minor 2nd Sem (Batches: NEP Regular-2023); Dated: 19-6-2024
Important NOTICE for B.G 1st Semester (Batch 2023); Dated: 10-6-2024
Important Notice for 1st to 6th semester students of batch (2016-2019); Dated: 8-6-2024
Revised Datesheet for BG 6th semester batch (2016-2019); Dated: 8-6-2024
Important Notice for 2nd semester students of batch 2023 regarding internal examination of subject Education (Major- Minor Education-Sociology).; Dated: 7-6-2024
Important Notice for 4th semester students of batch 2022 regarding internal examination of subject Education (Major- Inclusive Education and Major Environmental Education).; Dated: 7-6-2024
This is for the information of all the Regular/backlog candidates of BG 6th semester batch (2016-2021) who have missed their skill theory examination may approach to the College Examination cell by or before 05-06-2024 positively; Dated: 4-6-2024
Departmental of Functional English ,Tutorial/ Internal assessment examination of 6th semester batch 2021; Dated: 1-6-2024
Missing report of Internal Skill " Green Technology" of backlog candidates of BG 3rd semester batch (2016-2021); Dated: 30-5-2024
All the students of BG 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th semesters (backlog) batch (201,6-2021) whose Roll Nos are mentioned in missing list are informed to contact Professor Marifat, Head of the Department (English), in the College for conducting internals/ tutorials in General English and English Literature within three (3 )days from 3l--05-2024to 03-06-2024; Dated: 30-5-2024
All the students of B.G 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th semesters of batch 2016 to 2021 who have missed their internal in Kashmiri subject may come to college on 4th June for internal exams, no exam will be taken after above mentioned date.; Dated: 30-5-2024
Revised Datesheet for Skill Theory Examination of backlog candidates of BG 5th semester Batch (2016-2021); Dated: 30-5-2024
Revised Datesheet for Skill Theory Examination of backlog candidates of BG 4th semester Batch (2016-2021); Dated: 30-5-2024
Revised Datesheet for Skill Theory Examination of backlog candidates of BG 3rd semester Batch (2016-2021); Dated: 30-5-2024
This is for the information of all the students of backlog BG 1st, 2nd ,3rd,4th, 5th, and 6th semester batch 2016-2021 that they should contact Dr Salma Khan on 31 /05/ 2024 (whose roll no are mentioned) for the conduct of tutorial/ internal examination as per the missing award list; Dated: 30-5-2024
Important Notice regarding backlog examination; Dated: 27-5-2024
Department of Environmental Science is going to celeberate Environmental Awareness week from 1st to 5th June. Interested students are hereby directed to register themselves with the faculty members mentioned in this notice; Dated: 25-5-2024
Datesheet of Skill theory paper for backlog candidates of BG 4th semseter batch 2016-2021; Dated: 25-5-2024
Datesheet of Skill theory paper for backlog candidates of BG 3rd semseter batch 2016-2021; Dated: 25-5-2024
Notice regarding internal examination of backlog students of BG 6th semester, subject education; Dated: 24-5-2024
All the students of BG 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th semesters (backlog) batch (2016-2021) are directed to contact College Examination cell for appearing in Practical/Tutorial/Skill papers of above mentioned semesters within two days as they will be given last chance to appear in such examinations.; Dated: 22-5-2024
ln continuation to this office earlier date sheet for UG 3rd, 4th ,5th , 6th Semesters, it is notified for the information of all candidates that all examinations scheduled to bc held on 24-05-2024 and 25-05-7024 have been postponed and shall now be held as per this programme.; Dated: 20-5-2024
Notice regarding Skill paper of BG 6th semester batch 2021; Dated: 16-5-2024
Datesheet for Skill theory Examination of BG 6th Semester Batch 2021 under CBCS; Dated: 16-5-2024
It is notified for the information of candidates of Molvi Fazil of BG 6th semester CBCS, Batch- 2016-2021 that the examination of the mentioned papers shall be held as per the given schedule.; Dated: 15-5-2024
It is notified for the information of those candidates whose papers had skipped in the main date sheet of BG 5 th semester CBCS, Batch- 2016-2021(Backlog) that the examination of the said papers shall now be held as per the given schedule.; Dated: 9-5-2024
The link for UG 5th and 6th sem Shall be available on 6th May 2024 (Monday ) from 5: 00pm to 12:00am Midnight for Candidates who have missed to submit form; Dated: 6-5-2024
In continuation to Revised date sheet for UG 6th Semester dated 04-04-2024, it is notified for information of all concerned candidates that the examination timing has been changed to 2:00pm instead 11:00 am and 2:30 pm for all Fridays. This is also notified vide notice of even dated 30-04-2024.; Dated: 3-5-2024
The link for UG 1st to 4th sem Shall be available on 5th May 2024 (Sunday) for Candidates who have missed to submit form.; Dated: 2-5-2024
This is for the information of all the backlog Students of B.G 1st, 2nd, 3rd , 4th and 5th semester of (Batch 2021) of this college that they should approach College examination cell for appearing in their backlog in Internal/Tutorial/ Practical/ Skill papers of above semesters by 9th May 2024.; Dated: 2-5-2024
Under the SVEEP action plan 2024, the Debating Committee of the college in collaboration with the Department of Political Science is organising a Panel Discussion on the topic: "VOTE FOR POWER, VOTE FOR PROGRESS: THE ROUTE AHEAD" All the staff members are requested to participate along with their respective class students.; Dated: 1-5-2024
In Continuation to revised Date Sheet for UG 6th semester examination dated 04-04-2024, it is notified for the information of all concerned candidates that the Python Programming paper which was going to held on 31-05-2024 is rescheduled and shall be now held on 09-06-2024; Dated: 30-4-2024
The Health Committee ,NSS and NCC in collaboration with CMO office are going to organise a Blood Donation Camp in College on 02-05-2024. All the interested Students and Staff members are hereby informed to register themselves by contacting with officials (Contact numbers given in notice); Dated: 30-4-2024
Date sheet for Backlog candidates of BG 4th Semester (Batch-2016-21) CBCS (Choice Based Credit System) Session May, 2024 for Jammu & Kashmir; Dated: 29-4-2024
Revised Notice regarding Skill Theory Examination Private/Backlog Candidates of BG 6TH Semester (batch 2021); Dated: 27-4-2024
Notice regarding Skill theory Examination of Private/ Backlog Candidates of BG 6th semester (Batch 2021); Dated: 27-4-2024
It is notified for the information of all the candidates of BG 6th semseter session May June 2024, that their papers Scheduled to be held on 18/05/2024 have been postponed and shall be now held on 07/06/2024.; Dated: 26-4-2024
For Backlog candidates of BG 3 rd Semester (Batch-2016-21) Under CBCS (Choice Based Credit System), Session: May, 2024; Dated: 26-4-2024
For Backlog candidates of BG 2 ND Semester (Batch-2016-21) Under CBCS (Choice Based Credit System) Session May, 2024; Dated: 26-4-2024
For Backlog candidates of BG 1 st Semester (Batch-2016-21) Under CBCS (Choice Based Credit System) Session May, 2024; Dated: 26-4-2024
Revised time table for 2nd semester batch 2023; Dated: 23-4-2024
IQAC of the College in collaboration with the College Cultural Committee is organizing Art and Skill Fest 2024 on May 20, 2024 . Interested students can register themselves upto 10th May ,2024 with these faculty members Prof. Nusrat, Prof. Shabana, Prof. Mansha and Prof. Nusrat; Dated: 18-4-2024
It is notified for the information of all the students of BG 6th semester Batch 2021 that Department of Urdu is going to conduct their tutorial /Assessment on 20-04-2024 and 22-04-2024.; Dated: 16-4-2024
It is hereby notified for the information of all the students of BG 6th semester (Batch 2021) of Physics that their Practical Examination will be held on 20-04-2024.; Dated: 16-4-2024
It is notified for the information of all the students of GDC Ganderbal that Department of Urdu is going to organize an Essay Competition on 23-04-2024 in college Conference hall. In this connection, all the desirous students who want to take part in the said competition can register their names with HOD Urdu.; Dated: 16-4-2024
Revised Datesheet of BG 6th semester batch 2021; Dated: 4-4-2024
Time table of 2nd semseter NEP 2020 batch 2023; Dated: 3-4-2024
The Department of Kashmiri is going to organize a Naatia Competition in College on 02-04-2024. All the Students and faculty members are hereby informed to attend the said event.; Dated: 30-3-2024
Admission Open for CUET aspirants; Dated: 25-3-2024
Department of Kashmiri is going to organize a Naatia Competition in the college . In this connection all the interested students are hereby informed to register themselves in the Department of Kashmiri from 23 March to 28 March.; Dated: 22-3-2024
Revised time table for 6th semester Batch 2021; Dated: 20-3-2024
It is for the information of all the students of GDC Ganderbal that from 25-03-2024 onwards the students should be in proper uniform. No student Shall be allowed to enter college Premises without uniform or College identity card.; Dated: 19-3-2024
Time table for BG 4th semester students of batch 2022; Dated: 16-3-2024
Allocation of two supernumerary seats at University of Delhi (One male and one female) in each academic program at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels for orphan children; Dated: 16-3-2024
Datesheet for BG 4th semester batch 2022; Dated: 15-3-2024
It is hereby notified for the information of all the concerned candidates of UG Ist semester (Batch 2023) session February that their examination of skill paper (Missed) shall be held on 14-03-2024 (Thrusday); Dated: 12-3-2024
It is information for all the students of BG 1st semseter batch 2023 , who have missed their skill paper which was held on 02-03-2024 In this connection , all the concerned students are hereby directed to register their names in the Examination cell by or before 11-03-2024; Dated: 9-3-2024
Date Sheet for BG 2nd semester Batch 2023; Dated: 7-3-2024
It is for the information for all the students of BG 1st semester batch 2023 ,that their Poltical science paper and Envoronment science paper which was cancelled on 4-3-2024 shall now be held on 13-03-2024.; Dated: 7-3-2024
All NCC Cadets and NSS Volunteers of the college are hereby informed to attend the Pre Publicity Event of five day integerated outreach Programme (ICOP) and Exhibition on Viksit Bharat in College Auditorium on 07-03-2024. Refreshment will be distributed to all the students; Dated: 6-3-2024
It is notified for the information of all the students od GDC Ganderbal that Director physical Education and Sports , University of Kashmir is going to organise Inter College Snow Skiing Championship for boys and girls at Gulmarg on 08-03-2024. Interested Students can register their names in the Department of physical Education by or before 04-03-2024; Dated: 29-2-2024
Important notice for BG 1st semester Students of batch 2023, that their skill paper which is scheduled to be held on 02-03-2024 ,the timing of the said paper will be 11:00 am sharp instead of 2:15 pm.; Dated: 26-2-2024
Offline classes of BG 6th semester batch 2021; Dated: 17-2-2024
One day Seminar on International mother Language Day; Dated: 17-2-2024
Important Notice for 6th semester students batch 2021; Dated: 16-2-2024
Revised time table of BG 6th semester Batch 2021; Dated: 15-2-2024
It is for the information of all the students who are appearing in the forthcoming examination of BG 1st semester that the date of their Skill theory paper is rescheduled to 02-03-2024 in view of the revised datesheet issued by the university of Kashmir.; Dated: 13-2-2024
Revised Datesheet of BG 1st semester batch 2023; Dated: 13-2-2024
Datesheet for BG 1st semester batch 2023; Dated: 7-2-2024
Revised Datesheet for Skill paper of BG 3rd semester NEP 2020 , batch 2022; Dated: 7-2-2024
Extension in PM- USP-CSSS scholarship upto 30-1-2024; Dated: 15-1-2024
District administration is going to organise traditional kashmiri culture item during upcoming new year mega event scheduled to take place at sonamarg on jan 1st 2024 at 11:00am; Dated: 23-12-2023
Celebration of Mathematics Day in the BCA Department on 22-12-23 at 2:30pm .; Dated: 22-12-2023
Online quiz on Viksit Bharat@2047 on 21-12-2023; Dated: 20-12-2023
Seminar on Viksit Bharat @2047: Ideas and Challenges; Dated: 13-12-2023
Internal assesment of Environmental science of BG 1st sem Minor batch 2023; Dated: 13-12-2023
The Drug De addiction Cell and Theatre and Art Club of the College in collaboration with JK Police District Ganderbal, under Civil action programme is organising a felicitation ceremony cum awareness programme in College Auditorium; Dated: 12-12-2023
Online classes for 6th sem batch 2021; Dated: 9-12-2023
Painting and Poster making competition on 9-12-2023 in the conference hall of the college; Dated: 8-12-2023
Submission of Book Lists for the College Library; Dated: 8-12-2023
It is notified for the information of all the students of 1st semester (Batch 2023) that their internal/ tutorial examination will be held as per this schedule; Dated: 5-12-2023
It is notified for the information of all the students of 3rd semester (Batch 2022) that their internal/ tutorial examination will be held as per this schedule; Dated: 5-12-2023
Tutorial exam of Kashmiri Skill (Tarjumakari) 1st semester batch 2023 will be conducted on 7th of December 2023 at 10:30 am in the form of viva and presentation. Venue will be Deptt of Kashmiri, GDC Ganderbal.; Dated: 5-12-2023
Tutorial exam of Kashmiri literature (major &minor) 3rd semester batch 2022 will be conducted on 7th of December 2023 at 10:30 am in the form of viva and presentation. Venue will be Deptt of Kashmiri, GDC Ganderbal.; Dated: 5-12-2023
Tutorial exam of Kashmiri literature (major) 1st semester batch 2023 will be conducted on 7th of December 2023 at 10:30 am in the form of viva and presentation. Venue will be Deptt of Kashmiri, GDC Ganderbal.; Dated: 5-12-2023
Two days State level Yuva-utsav India@2047 to be held at Jammu on 9th and 10th December,; Dated: 5-12-2023
It is for the information for all the students of BG 1st semester batch 2023 having General English as their Minor Subject who have their class at 1:20 pm (all days) that their online classes will be held at 1:20 pm .The students can join on Wiseapp through the following code -97665579; Dated: 2-12-2023
It is for the information for all the students of BG 1st semester ,communication skills, batch 2023 who have their class at 12:40 pm (M,T,W,T) that their online classes will be held at 12:40 pm .The students can join on Wiseapp through the following code -975058171; Dated: 2-12-2023
It is for the information for all the students of BG 1st semester ,communication skills, batch 2023 who have their class at 10 am (M,T) that their online classes will be held at 10am .The students can join on Wiseapp through the following code -968329900; Dated: 2-12-2023
It is for the information for all the students of BG 1st semester ,communication skills, batch 2023 who have their class at 12pm (M,T,W,T) that their online classes will be held at 12pm .The students can join on Wiseapp through the following code -585580310; Dated: 2-12-2023
Notice for 3rd semester students having English as their Major /Minor Subject; Dated: 2-12-2023
Online classes from 1-12-2023 till winter vacation; Dated: 30-11-2023
Important Notice: Attention BG-3rd/4th semester (Batch 2022) NEP; Dated: 25-11-2023
WORLD AIDS DAY 2023; Dated: 24-11-2023
The IIC and Department of zoology in collaboration with the division of clinical vertinary medicine, Ethics and Jurisprudance are going to organise one day awareness programme in the conference hall of the college at 10:30 am. All the students related to the subject are hereby informed to participate in the said programme.; Dated: 22-11-2023
SKUAST-Kashmir is imparting a series of training to youth of J&K and Ladakh for their capacity building and skills set. These programmes are sponsored by Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises with the main objective to inculcate the spirit of Incubation and Entrepreneurship culture as per NEP 2020 Policy among the Educated Youth who can become the job providers rather than Job seekers; Dated: 13-11-2023
This is to to inform all the students of B.G 1st/2nd Semester that they can receive their ID Cards/Library Membership Cards from the College Library W.e.f. 15/11/2023; Dated: 13-11-2023
Important notice for Ist semester students of batch 2023.; Dated: 11-11-2023
Under the chairmanship of District Development Commisioner a week long Entrepreneurship Development program shall be conducted for the final year and pass out students of the college. Interested students can register themselves by clicking on the link given in the notice.; Dated: 9-11-2023
Alumni Meet for all the outgoing students of BG 6th semester and all the pass out students of the College.; Dated: 7-11-2023
Missing reports of B.G 4th semester batch 2021(fresh) and backlog 2016-2020 examination of May, 2023. Concerned students directed to report department by 04.11.2023 positively; Dated: 2-11-2023
History Missing Report of 4th sem, Batch 2021 (Fresh) Backlog batches 2016-2020.Students mentioned in Missing Report are directed to contact on: 9906966102 by tomorrow 03/11/2023 positively. HOD (History); Dated: 2-11-2023
Missing report of Psychology 4th sem (Fresh batch 2021 & backlog batches 2016-2020). Mentioned roll numbers will report to the Department of Psychology by or before 03/11/2023.; Dated: 2-11-2023
Department of English Missing Report of BG 4th sem (ELT)Skill Course (Batch 2021)and backlog2016-2020Examination of May,2023.Below Mentioned Rollnos are directed to report to the Hod English in Female Staff Room by or before 3rd November ,2023 or contact on the number: 7006645945; Dated: 2-11-2023
Department of English Missing Report of BG 4Th sem (Batch 2021)and backlog2016-2020Examination of May,2023.Below Mentioned Rollnos are directed to report to the Hod English in Female Staff Room by or before 3rd November ,2023 or contact on the number: 7006645945; Dated: 2-11-2023
Missing Report Sociology - 4th Semester Batch 2021; Dated: 2-11-2023
Time table for BG Ist semester NEP 2020 batch 2023; Dated: 1-11-2023
Datesheet of Skill Enhancement Courses of B.G 5th semester session october-November 2023.; Dated: 28-10-2023
It is notified for the information of all the students of Government Degree College Ganderbal that the college is organizing an intra-college Debate and a Quiz Competition on the 27th of October, 2023 as part of the UT Foundation Day, 2023 Celebrations. In this regard, interested students are informed to confirm their participation by sending confirmation mail with their details to the college email: by or before 24th of October, 2023; Dated: 23-10-2023
Notice for Anthropology,Tour and Travel and Home science Students 1st Semester,Batch 2023.; Dated: 20-10-2023
3rd semester revised timetable; Dated: 14-10-2023
Date Sheet of Skill Enhancement Courses for B.G 6th Semester (Batch 2020) and Backlog candidates (Batch 2016-2019) session October 2023; Dated: 10-10-2023
Absentee list of Practical Exams BG 5th Sem Zoology; Dated: 9-10-2023
3rd semester batch 2022 time table; Dated: 9-10-2023
Ist Semester batch 2023 timetable; Dated: 9-10-2023
Tutorial exam of 5th Semester (1) Kashmiri literature & (2) Zabani hund Tarsili Vartaw will be held on 09-10-2023 (Monday) 11:00 am in the department of Kashmiri GDC Ganderbal in the form of viva voce.; Dated: 7-10-2023
Department of urdu BG 5th semester practical assignments; Dated: 6-10-2023
Registration for National cadet Corps (NCC) for the Academic year 2023-24; Dated: 5-10-2023
5th sem Botany Practical examination, session 2023; Dated: 3-10-2023
Submission & Viva-voce of assignments of Foundations of Psychology (Generic Elective-5th semester); Dated: 30-9-2023
Notice of Psychology Practical Examination (5th semester -Batch 2016-20); Dated: 30-9-2023
Department of urdu BG 6th semester practical assignments; Dated: 21-9-2023
Notification, Department of English, Tutorial/Internal examination of BG 6th semester (Batch 2020), backlog candidates (2016-2019) English Literature (EL620DA: English Literature: Indian Writing in English) will be held tomorrow i.e., 22. 09. 2023 ( Venue: Staff Room, Time: 11: 00 a. m.). Students are informed to appear in the said examination positively.; Dated: 21-9-2023
REVISED NOTICE: Psychology Practical examination of 6th semester (Batch 2020) on 25/09/2023; Dated: 21-9-2023
Practical Examination BG 6th Semester (Chemistry); Batch (CBCS-2020); Dated: 21-9-2023
Magzine notice; Dated: 20-9-2023
Psychology Practical examination of 6th semester (Batch 2020) on 26/09/2023; Dated: 20-9-2023
Classwork for BG 1st semester Students of batch 2023; Dated: 20-9-2023
Final Round Non-CUET admission Notice (Lateral Entry); Dated: 20-9-2023
Re examination of UG 2nd sem Batch 2022 NEP skill course who missed it earlier; Dated: 14-9-2023
Spot Round Admission; Dated: 11-9-2023
Classroom Presentations on Cell and Molecular Biology for Botany students 5th semester.; Dated: 9-9-2023
English Literature (Internal tutorial missing Report) British Poetry-I (EL120) Ist sem Backlog batch 2016-2021; Dated: 7-9-2023
ENGLISH (Internals/Tutorials Missing Report (Gen English)-I (GEN120) Ist Sem (Batch2016-2021)Backlog; Dated: 7-9-2023
Internal/Tutorial Missing Report of BG 1st semester Psychology batch 2016-21 backlog examination; Dated: 6-9-2023
Missing report Botany Backlog, Batch 2016-2021.; Dated: 6-9-2023
Picnic Notice for 6th Semester Students (Boys) of batch 2020; Dated: 30-8-2023
Our best wishes go out to Chandrayaan 3 on this historic day. May your moon landing be a magical success!; Dated: 23-8-2023
Important infomation for NSP students; Dated: 23-8-2023
Important information for 6th semester Students of Batch 2020 regarding Picnic; Dated: 23-8-2023
Important information for New admission 1st Semester batch 2023; Dated: 22-8-2023
Important Announcement fror NSP Students; Dated: 18-8-2023
Admission Notice( First Round of CSAS); Dated: 16-8-2023
It is notified for the information for all the students of our college, that their Aadhar based authentication/re-verification has been started in the Multipurpose hall (Old Campus) of the college from today 16-08-2023. In this connection, all those students who have already applied for NPS Scholarship for the year 2022-23 are directed to come with their Aadhar Card and last years application ID.; Dated: 16-8-2023
Notice; Dated: 16-8-2023
Library Membership Cards/ID Cards for 5th / 6th Semester; Dated: 12-8-2023
Botany Internal Assessment Batch 2022.; Dated: 12-8-2023
Proposed Allocation-cum-Admission schedule; Dated: 11-8-2023
Celebration of International Youth Day (12th August) 2023; Dated: 10-8-2023
Registration for Inter-College Painting Competition to be held on 9th August, 2023; Dated: 8-8-2023
Dashboard for Independence Day Competitions reg.; Dated: 7-8-2023
Attention BG 5th Sem Students (Chemistry) 05-08-2023; Dated: 5-8-2023
6th Semester (Batch 2020) Attendance Shortage (Chemistry); Dated: 2-8-2023
Urgent Notice for UG 2nd Semester Geography (NEP Batch 2022); Dated: 2-8-2023
Urgent Notice for UG 2nd Semester Disaster Management SEC Course (NEP Batch 2022); Dated: 2-8-2023
Time Table _ Department of Botany 2023; Dated: 1-8-2023
College Admissions Made Easy: How to Apply? Step-by-Step Guide to J&K UT College Registration 2023; Dated: 1-8-2023
Notice for admission Seekers for various Under Graduate Programs Offered by College for the Academic Session 2023-24; Dated: 31-7-2023
Notice for Practical Examination of water Management B.G 2nd Semster(NEP); Dated: 27-7-2023
ORDER; Dated: 27-7-2023
Department of urdu Internal assignments for 2nd sem batch 2022; Dated: 27-7-2023
English Literature: NEP 2022 Batch IInd semester. All the students of BG 2nd semester who are yet to submit their assignments and missed their viva voce are once again informed to submit the same by 12th of August 2023 in the Female Staff Room; Dated: 26-7-2023
Speak Out Club: Informal DIscussions; Dated: 26-7-2023
Notice: The Speak out Club in collaboration with Department of English are going to hold weekly discussions on topics of students interest. In this context, all the students of the College are hereby advised to drop their suggestions on topics of their interest.; Dated: 25-7-2023
All the students of BG 2nd semester who are yet to submit their assignments are once again informed to submit then same till 30th of August 2023 in the department of Political Science; Dated: 18-7-2023
Important Notice for BG 5th/6th Semester (Batch-2021); Dated: 18-7-2023
Summer Vacations from 15-07-2023 to 24-07-2023; Dated: 15-7-2023
Date Sheet for Practical Examination of BA/B.Sc 2nd Semester Geography (Batch 2022 NEP); Dated: 14-7-2023
Notice: The Institutions Innovation cell calls students participation in videography competition . The theme of the programme is NEP ki samaj .; Dated: 10-7-2023
It is for the information of the faculty members and the students of the college that several new clubs have been formed and several others clubbed for the easy delivery and organization of activities. In this regard, students willing to join the new Club must report to the coordinators in charge of each.; Dated: 6-7-2023
Re -Examination of Skill Enhancement Courses of BG 4th and 5th semester batch 2021 and backlog candidates of 2016-2020 session 2023 (Mercy Chance ); Dated: 6-7-2023
Group Insurance for the Students of the College; Dated: 4-7-2023
Internal Award B.A 4th Semester English Literature; Dated: 30-6-2023
Kashmiri Literature (major/Minor) Students Batch: 2022 are informed that their tutorial exam will be on 28th of June, 2023 from 10:00 am to 4:00pm in the form of presentation and viva voce. Venue of the exam will be U-shaped building Old campus.; Dated: 26-6-2023
It is for the information of all the staff members of the college, that cricket match between Principal Elevan and Staff Secretary is going to be held on 26-06-2023 at M.M Stadium Ganderbal. In this connection, all the participants and Staff members of the college shall report positively 10:00 am sharp in the said ground.; Dated: 24-6-2023
Zoological Tour of BG 2nd semester students to Dachigam National Park; Dated: 21-6-2023
Advertisement Notice for the supply of newspapers and magazines to the central library, GDC Ganderbal, for the year 2023-24.; Dated: 20-6-2023
Zoological Tour of BG 2nd semester students to Dachigam National Park; Dated: 17-6-2023
Urgent Notice for UG 2nd Semester Disaster Management SEC Course (NEP Batch 2022); Dated: 17-6-2023
Attention 6th Sem. students of Chemistry.; Dated: 15-6-2023
Notice: The students seeking asmission at GDC Ganderbal in BG 5th and 6th semester for the academic session 2023-2024 are advised to choose SEC (Skill Enhancement Course) Discipline specific courses. (DSC) and General Elective Course (GEC) as per this scheme among the basket of courses; Dated: 14-6-2023
Guidelines/Instructions for students of BG 5th and 6th Semester (Batch-2021) for the session 2023.; Dated: 14-6-2023
It is for the information of BG 6th semester students of GDC Ganderbal that their regular classwork will commence from tomorrow i,e 14-06-2023 ( Wednesday). All the students of 6th semester are hereby informed to attend their regular classes.; Dated: 13-6-2023
Notice : All the Students who have received Vocational Training under RUSA in JSD and DDEO courses at GDC Ganderbal, are hereby informed to visit GDC Nawakadal Srinagar on 20th June ,2023 for Placement Event; Dated: 8-6-2023
Missing report Medicinal Botany 3rdsem session 2022.; Dated: 8-6-2023
Date sheet for skill enhancement course of BG 5th semester batch 2020; Dated: 10-6-2023
Date sheet for skill enhancement course of BG 4th semester batch 2021; Dated: 9-6-2023
Tutorial Missing Report HISTORY(HS320); Dated: 7-6-2023
Mathematics (MM320) internal tutorial missing report.; Dated: 7-6-2023
Tutorial Missing Report Communication Skills and personality Development(CSP318); Dated: 7-6-2023
Datasheet of Skill Enhancement Courses for B.G 4th Semester batch 2021 and backlog candidates Batch 2016-2020 session June-2023; Dated: 7-6-2023
Datasheet of Skill Enhancement Courses for B.G 5th Semester batch 2020 and backlog candidates Batch 2016-2019 session June-2023; Dated: 7-6-2023
Missing report of zoology , BG 3rd Semester batch 2021; Dated: 7-6-2023
Disaster Management Missing reports of B.G 3rd Semester batch 2021(Fresh/Private) examination of Session Oct-Nov, 2022; Dated: 6-6-2023
Green Technology Missing reports (theory/tutorial component) of B.G 3rd Semester batch 2021(Fresh/Private) examination of Session Oct-Nov, 2022,; Dated: 6-6-2023
Botany practical examination schedule for the session 2023.; Dated: 1-6-2023
Subject; Access to E-Resources through NLIST-registration thereof.; Dated: 29-5-2023
Notice: It is for the informtion of all the students of the college (both Men/Women) who have registered their names for the Participation in Annual College Road Race, 2023 that the event will be conducted as per this schedule; Dated: 29-5-2023
It is notified for the information of all regular Students of this college that the" College Road Safety Club" is organising a road Rally for the awareness of road Safety rules for the citizens in the 2nd week of June 2023. In this connection, all the interested students are informed to register their names with Prof. Mohd Akram Department of Urdu by or before 06-06-2023, for more information contact on 6006310701; Dated: 29-5-2023
Internal Assessment/Tutorial Exams NEP 2022 ENGLISH LITERATURE (MAJOR/MINOR); Dated: 27-5-2023
All the students of BA/B.Sc 5th Semester (Geography) whose Roll No’s are mentioned in this notice are directed to appear for the internal examination strictly as per the mentioned time and date.; Dated: 18-5-2023
Alumni Meet/ Council Meet; Dated: 16-5-2021
Last date for submission of Assignment in Disaster Management 4th sem, batch 2021 is 18.05.2023; Dated: 15-5-2023
In case of medical emergency all the students of this college are informed through the medium of this notice that the Stretchers/Wheelchairs are available at Designated area; Dated: 13-5-2023
It is for the information of all the students of the college(both Men/Women) who have registered their names for the participation in Intra-murlar/Selection trails of Table Tennis, Carrom & Chess, that the events will conducted on 8th & 9th May 2023; Dated: 6-5-2023
Notice regarding duration of classes; Dated: 3-5-2023
Ministry of Educations Innovation Cell has announced a MIC driven activity for creating YUKTI innovation repository and participation in the YUKTI innovation Challenge 2023 for the IIC institutions. In this Connection all those students of this College having any innovation /patent to their credit and desirous of participation in the mentioned activity are hereby informed through this general notice to approach Convener IIC ( 9596221779/7780929136) for registration by or before 5th May 2023.; Dated: 3-5-2023
In view of BG 5th semester Examination (batch 2020), the duration of classes will be of 30 minutes.; Dated: 29-4-2023
Hands-on Computer trainning programme; Dated: 15-4-2023
Date sheet for skill enhancement Courses for B.G 3rd Semester (Backlog) batch 2016-20 session April-2023; Dated: 12-4-2023
Electoral Literacy and Peace Club of the college are going to organize one day seminar on the theme "Role of B.R Ambedkar in drafting of constitution and strengthening of democracy "on 15th April 2023 in College Conference hall.; Dated: 12-4-2023
All HODs/Incharge of the departments are hereby informed to conduct the sessional Internal Practical/Tutorial examination of B.G 4th Semester students session 2023 (batch 2021) and B.G 5th Semseter Students (Batch 2020); Dated: 11-4-2023
Students who participated in Breast cancer screening cum awareness camp at University of Kashmir on 03-11-2022 to collect participation certificates from Department of Botany.; Dated: 11-4-2023
The department of Islamic Studies is organising a one day Intra-College Husn-e-Naat Competition on 13/04/2023 in the college conference hall. Intersested Students and Staff members who intend to participate in the said competition are hereby informed to contact Dr. Suhail Showkeen HOD Islamic Studies for registration; Dated: 11-4-2023
It is for the information of all the Students and Staff of the College (both Men/Women) that the department of Physical Education and Sports is going to Conduct intra -murlar in the discipline of Table Tennis, Carrom & Chess in the 3rd & 4th week of April.; Dated: 11-4-2023
Official Instagram account of College ECO Club.; Dated: 8-4-2023
All Passout & on campus Students of Govt. Degree College Ganderbal are hereby informed that a campus Placement Drive is scheduled to be held on 10-04-2023 in association with Aditya Birla Capital, ICIC Lombard, and Accure India Insurance Pvt. Ltd.; Dated: 7-4-2023
Botany Practical Examination 5th semester, session 2023.; Dated: 7-4-2023
One day drill and weapon trainning; Dated: 20-3-2023
Library Membership Cards for 5th/6th Semester.; Dated: 1-4-2023
B.A Ist Semester English Literature (Minor) Internal Assessment; Dated: 28-3-2023
B.A Ist Semester English Literature (Major) Internal Assessment Results; Dated: 28-3-2023
Notice In view of BG 1st semester Backlog examination of batch 2016-2021, the duration of classes will be 30 minutes only on these dates; Dated: 18-3-2023
Notice: This is for the information of all students to attend the college in proper uniform along with I-Cards. Students without uniform and I-Card will not be allowed; Dated: 17-3-2023
Notice: the drama club and the departments of Environmental Science and Water Management are going to organize a photography and videography competition on 28-03-2023.; Dated: 16-3-2023
Notice: The Career Counselling Cell in collaboration with department of Employment J&K at Kashmir Haat Srinagar is going to organize Job Fair Mela . In this context, all the interested students are free to contact Prof. Mustafa Majid; Dated: 16-3-2023
Notice regarding duration of classes on 16-03-2023; Dated: 15-3-2023
Notice Setting up Entrepreneurship Cell in College; Dated: 13-3-2023
Admission Notice For Prospective Admission seekers for various UG Courses based on Common University Entrance Test (CUET) session 2023-24; Dated: 10-3-2023
Notice : It is notified for the information of all students that National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) is going to organize free programmes in Software Development, Media Content, Data Entry Operator and Networking Storage as such Students interested to join the said Programmes may get themselves registered by or before 20th of March 2023; Dated: 7-3-2023
It is notified fo the information of B.G 1st/2nd semester ( Batch-2022) NEP that the below mentioned Roll nos submit university fee receipt/Marks card/Migration certificate within 02 days positively; Dated: 2-3-2023
Poster making competition on 6-03-2023 organized by Eco Club and Department of Water Management; Dated: 1-3-2023
Attention BG-1st/2nd semester (Batch -2022); Dated: 1-3-2023
Botany Departmental Time Table for 4th and 5th semesters, 2023; Dated: 20-2-2023
It is for the information of the students of GDC Ganderbal that their regular classwork has commenced from today i,e 15-02-2023 ( Wednesday). All the students of 2nd, 4th and 5th semesters of the college are hereby informed to attend their regular classes.; Dated: 15-2-2023
Attention UG 4th Semester Core and Skill Course (Sociology), Students of Regular Batch 2020 and Backlog Batches.; Dated: 11-2-2023
History Missing Report of 4th sem, Batch 2019 (Fresh) Backlog batches 2016-2019.Students mentioned in Missing Report are directed to contact on: 9906966102 within two days positively. HOD (History); Dated: 10-2-2023
The candidates enlisted in these missing reports have not apeared in Kashmiri Literature/Skill Kashmiri (translation)/Mil Kashmiri of BG 4th Semester theory/Tutorial Examinations. In case of any query report Kashmiri department of the college by or before 12-02-2023 and contact HOD kashmiri 7006809207; Dated: 8-2-2023
Attention UG 4th Sem (IS420) Students of Regular Batch 2022 and Backlog Batch 2016-19, Examination held in Sep-Oct 2022.; Dated: 7-2-2023
Travel and Tourism Management Missing reports of B.G 4th semester batch 2020 (fresh) and backlog batches of 2016-2019 examination of Session Sept-Oct, 2022; Dated: 7-2-2023
Green Technology Missing reports of B.G 4th semester batch 2020 (fresh) and backlog batches of 2016-2019 examination of Session Sept-Oct, 2022; Dated: 7-2-2023
Disaster Management Missing reports of B.G 4th semester batch 2020 (fresh) and backlog batches of 2016-2019 examination of Session Sept-Oct, 2022; Dated: 7-2-2023
Urdu missing report of 4th semester2022.Students mentioned in missing report are directed to contact on 6006310701 within two days positively .Otherwise they will be treated as absent.; Dated: 7-2-2023
English Missing Report of 4th sem, Batch 2020 (Fresh Private) Backlog Batches 2016-2019 session 2022.Students mentioned in missing report are directed to contact on 7006645945 within two days positively.; Dated: 7-2-2023
Botany missing report of 4th sem, session 2022.Students mentioned in missing report are directed to contact on 9541675932 within two days positively.; Dated: 8-2-2023
Zoology missing report of 4th sem, session 2022.Students mentioned in missing report are directed to report department of Zoology within two days positively. .; Dated: 6-2-2023
It is information for all the students of Kashmiri department of GDC Ganderbal who have not appeared in tutorial/Theory examination of Zaban te Bawath. So the same candidates are directed to report Kashmiri Deptt of Gdc Ganderbal on 24th Jan 2023(Monday) and to contact 7006809207. Otherwise they will be treated as absent.; Dated: 23-1-2023
Attention UG 6th Sem Skill Course (Islam and Women IAW 616) and (Islamic Civilization in Medeival India ICM 516) Students of Regular Batch 2019 and Backlog Batch 2016-18, Examination held in December 2022.; Dated: 21-1-2023
Attention UG 6th Sem Skill Course (Sociology of Crime) Students of Regular Batch 2019 and Backlog Batch 2016-18, Examination held in December 2022.; Dated: 21-1-2023
Notice : Missing reports of B.G 6TH Semester batch 2019 (Fresh) and backlog batches ( 2016-2018) examination of December ,2022; Dated: 21-1-2023
6th semester media writing in urdu .Students mentioned in this list are directed to contact on 6006310701 within twodays; Dated: 21-1-2023
Botany missing report of 6th sem, session 2022.Students mentioned in missing report are directed to contact on 9541675932 within two days positively.; Dated: 20-1-2023
Notice: All the Students of GDC Ganderbal are hereby informed that the Honble Prime Minister will be interacting with the students, teachers and Parent on Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023 at Talkatora Indore Stadium New Delhi on 27/01/2023; Dated: 19-1-2023
It is information for all the Students of the GDC Ganderbal that Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University is organising an "Essay Writing contest" and "Business Plan Competition ". In this Context, all the interested Students can submit their Essay or Business Plan in due format on the the link given in the attachment; Dated: 16-1-2023
Attention medicinal Botany students , Session 2022.; Dated: 15-1-2023
Revised Evaluation status of urdu afsana BG 1st sem batch 2022; Dated: 6-1-2023
Evaluation status of BG 1st semester NEP (batch 2022) Skill Enhancement Course (Web Developer ); Dated: 9-1-2023
Evaluation status of BG 1st semester NEP (batch 2022) Skill Enhancement Course (Multimedia Applications ); Dated: 9-1-2023
Theory award for skill course of UG 1st Sem, Subject Gender Sensitization (SO122S) batch 2022 (NEP); Dated: 9-1-2023
Evaluation Status of Skill Enhancement Course in Geography UG 1st Semester Batch 2022 (NEP); Dated: 7-1-2023
Evaluation status of BG 1st semester NEP (batch 2022) Skill Enhancement Course (Early Childhood Care & Education ); Dated: 7-1-2023
Department of Psychology: Evaluation Status NEP Sem Ist Psychological First Aid; Dated: 6-1-2023
Notice: Attention BG 5th /6th Semester students (Batch-2020); Dated: 5-1-2023
Notice: Evaluation status and revaluation/rechecking of skill enhancement courses of B.G 1st Sem (batch 2022), Session Dec -2022; Dated: 4-1-2023
Dept of English: 3rd Sem, External Examination (CSPD) updated status; Dated: 30-12-2022; Dated: 30-12-2022
Dept of English: 3rd Sem, Internal Examination (CSPD) updated status; Dated: 30-12-2022
Visual Arts Tour B.A/B.Sc/B.Com/BCA:Registration of students; Dated: 27-12-2022
Department of English: Tutorial results: NEP 2022, English Literature (Mj/Mn); Dated: 26-12-2022
Missing report; Dated: 21-12-2022
It is information for the BG 2nd semester students of department of Kashmiri; Dated: 21-12-2022
Instagram account for ECO Club of the college.; Dated: 22-12-2022
Missing report Botany 2nd sem. batch 2021...; Dated: 21-12-2022
Department of History Internal/Tutorials Missing Report of (HS220) Medieval India/Medieval Kashmir B.G 2nd Sem batch 2021 (Fresh/Private) Examination of session May-June 2022; Dated: 21-12-2022
Department of English Internal/Tutorials Missing Report of General English (ENG220)/and English literature (EL220)B.G 2nd Sem batch 2021 (Fresh/Private) and Backlog Examination of session May-June 2022; Dated: 21-12-2022
Department of History Internal/Tutorials Missing Report of (HS220) Mesdieval India/Medieval Kashmir B.G 2nd Sem batch 2021 (Fresh/Private) and Backlog Batches (2016-2020) Examination of session May-June 2022; Dated: 21-12-2022
Department of Mathematics - Internal/Tutorials Missing Report of (MM220) Mathematics, B.G 2nd Sem batch 2021 (Fresh/Private) and Backlog Batches (2016-2020) Examination of session May-June 2022; Dated: 21-12-2022
Department of English Internal/Tutorials Missing Report of (EL220) English literature B.G 2nd Sem batch 2021 (Fresh/Private) and Backlog Batches (2016-2020) Examination of session May-June 2022; Dated: 20-12-2022
Department of English(GEN220) General English Internals/Tutorial Missing Reports of B.G 2nd Sem batch 2021 (Fresh/Private) and Backlog Batches (2016-2020) Examination of session May-June 2022; Dated: 20-12-2022
Notice: It is information for all the departments of the college through their HODs are requested to devise a programme of action under the theme of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav; Dated: 17-12-2022
Missed or Repeat 3rd Semester Skill Course: Communication Skills and Personality Development CSP318; Dated: 17-12-2022
Notice:Date sheet of Skill enhancement courses for B.G 6th semester regular/fresh private candidates ( Batch 2019) and Backlog Candidates (2016-18) session December 2022; Dated: 16-12-2022
Department of History:(AOK517) History Theory/Tutorial Missing Reports of B.G 5thSem batch 2019(fresh/private) and backlog batches (2016-2018) examination of session July -August; Dated: 16-12-2022
5th Semester Botany missing report Batch 2019 and 2016-2018; Dated: 16-12-2022
Missed Tutorial English Literature NEP Ist Semester; Dated: 13-12-2022
Missing report of Kashmiri ( Zabaan Hund Tarseeli Wartav); Dated: 14-12-2022
Missing report of Kashmiri ( Zabaan Hund Tarseeli Wartav); Dated: 14-12-2022
Media Campaign for dissemination of toll free- Mental health helpline; Dated: 1-12-2022
Notice: Institute Innovation Council (IIC) OF Govt. Degree College Ganderbal is organising one day workshop on water quality testing and innovation orientation on 10th December 2022 in collaboration with American Society fro Microbiology and Department of Bio resources.; Dated: 9-12-2022
Notice:All the faculty members and conveners of different college committees are hereby advised to seek registration certificate from NGOs; Dated: 8-12-2022
Evaluation status: Disaster Management of B.G 3rd Sem, regular candidates of batch 2021; Dated: 6-12-2022
Evaluation status: Green Technology of B.G 3rd Sem, regular candidates of batch 2021; Dated: 6-12-2022
Evaluation status of skill course 3rd sem ,Medicinal Botany, Department of Botany, session 2022.; Dated: 6-12-2022
Department of English: Missed Tutorials NEP 2022 Batch; Dated: 6-12-2022
Evaluation Status: Communication Skills ad personality Development (BBA315S2); Dated: 6-12-2022
Department of English(CSP318 &CSP319) communication skills and Personality Development Internals/Tutorial Missing Reports of B.G 3rd Sem batch 2020 (fresh/private) and backlog batches (2016-2019) examination of session May-June; Dated: 4-12-2022
Department of urdu BG 6th semester practical assignments batch 2019; Dated: 3-12-2022
3rd semester Medicinal Botany Practical examination, session 2022; Dated: 3-12-2022
Evaluation status and revaluation/rechecking of skill enhancement courses of BG 3rd sem; Dated: 3-12-2022
Internal/Tutorial Missing report of Kashmiri Language; Dated: 3-12-2022
Department of History:(HS320) History Internals/Tutorial Missing Reports of B.G 3rd Sem batch 2020 (fresh/private) and backlog batches (2016-2019) examination of session May-June; Dated: 3-12-2022
3rd semester Botany missing report Batch 2020 and 2016-2019; Dated: 2-12-2022
Department of English: Communication Skills & Personality Development Internals/Tutorial (CSP318&CSP319) l Missing Reports of B.G 3rd Sem batch 2020 (fresh/private) and backlog batches (2016-2019) examination of session May-June,; Dated: 1-12-2022
Department of English;Tutorial General English(GE320) Missing Reports of B.G 3rd SemBatch( 2020) (Fresh/Private) and Backlog Batches of (2016-2019) Examination of Session May-June, 2022;; Dated: 1-12-2022
Department of English Tutorial NEP 2022 English Literature Major/Minor will now be held on 05/12/2022. Time and Venue will remain the same; Dated: 1-12-2022
Department of English NEP 2022 Tutorial Exams; Dated: 29-11-2022
Green Technology missing reports of B.G 3rd Sem batch 2020 (fresh/private) and backlog batches (2016-2019) examination of session May-June, 2022; Dated: 1-12-2022
Disaster Management missing reports of B.G 3rd Sem batch 2020 (fresh/private) and backlog batches (2016-2019) examination of session May-June, 2022; Dated: 1-12-2022
Evaluation status of BG 4th semester Skill course (Early childhood care and Education); Dated: 30-11-2022
Evaluation Status of Developing Emotional Competence ( Skill Course) of BG 4th semester Regular/backlog (2016-2022); Dated: 29-11-2022
Evaluation status of learning Skill of afsana in Urdu, LAU418 ( skill Course) of BG 4th semester regular batch 2020 and backlog 2016-2019; Dated: 28-11-2022
Evaluation Status of Disaster Management (theory) of 4th Sem regular/fresh private candidates of Batch 2020 and backlog candidates of batches (2016-2019); Dated: 26-11-2022
Evaluation Status of Green Technology (theory) of 4th Sem regular/fresh private candidates of Batch 2020 and backlog candidates of batches (2016-2019); Dated: 26-11-2022
Registration on Digi locker; Dated: 26-11-2022
Datesheet of Skill enhancement courses for BG 1st semester regular candidates (Batch 2022); Dated: 26-11-2022
Notice: It is notified for the information of all the students of 1st semester NEP, batch 2022 who have opted water management as minor course, that their intrernal practical examination for the said course shall be held on this date; Dated: 25-11-2022
Notice: NCC boys and girls unit of this college is going to organise Blood Donation Camp; Dated: 24-11-2022
Department of botany is organizing one day visit to Lavender Farm at Nuner, Ganderbal on 26/11/2022; Dated: 24-11-2022
Important Notice: Attention BG 1st/2nd Semester ( Batch 2022) NEP; Dated: 24-11-2022
Notice: Cleanliness drive in the old campus of the college; Dated: 24-11-2022
All the students of the college are informed to fill the form for innovative ideas if any; Dated: 23-11-2022
Evaluation status of PHP ( BCA) Skill Enhancement of BG 4th semester Regular ( Batch 2016) Backlog (2016-2019); Dated: 23-11-2022
Notice: Department of History is organizing one day tour for 1st semester students to central Asian Museum, KU and SPS Musuem Lal Mandi. In this regard all the students of history department are informed to reach the college at 9;45 am sharp on 24-11-2022; Dated: 23-11-2022
Evaluation Status of English Language ( English) Skill Enhancement Course of BG 4th Semester Regular (batch 2020), backlig ( 2016-2019); Dated: 23-11-2022
Notice: Evaluation status and revaluation/rechecking of skill enhancement courses of B.G 4th Sem ( batch 2020), backlog ( 2016-2019); Dated: 23-11-2022
Notice: This is for the information of all BG Students batch 2022 to register themselves on Digi locker and create ABC ID; Dated: 23-11-2022
Notice: All the esteemed faculty members of the college are informed through this notice that Institutional Innovation Council (IIC) has recently been created to boost the innovation ecosystem in the college as required in NEP 2020. In this context all the faculty members are requested to identify the students with innovative ideas; Dated: 22-11-2022
Notice: The students seeking admission at GDC Ganderbal in BG 5th and 6th semester for the academic session 2022-2023 are advised to choose SEC( Skill Enhancement Course) Discipline Specific Courses ( DSC) and General Elcetive Course ( GEC) as per the following scheme among the basket of courses shown annexure I-V; Dated: 21-11-2022
It is information for all the BG 1st semester NEP students and Skill Courses NEP Batch (2022), that there skill, multidisciplinary, minor and major paper will commence from 24 November as per this schedule; Dated: 19-11-2022
It is notified for the information of all the students of BG 1st semester having Functional English as minor subject that their Intenal Assessment will be conducted on 19th, 21st and 22nd November 2022 in Room no.09 at 10.00 a.m.; Dated: 18-11-2022
Remittance of Admission fee of B.G 5th and 6th semester session 2022; Dated: 18-11-2022
Notice for all the students of the college that the Red Ribbon Club is observing World AIDS day under the theme of " Equalize: Achieving Equality to End HIV"; Dated: 18-11-2022
Admission notice in respect of B.G 5th & 6th Semesters; Dated: 17-11-2022
Notice : All the students who are desirous to seek admission at Govt. Degree College Ganderbal in respect of BG 5th and 6th semester for the academic session 2022 are informed to deposit an amount of Rs. 100; Dated: 17-11-2022
Order for " Utilization of conference hall by other departments/institutions( Govt/Semi- Govt/Private)"; Dated: 15-11-2022
Notice; Government Degree College, Ganderbal is organizing " Alumni Meet "on 25th November 2022.; Dated: 15-11-2022
It is information for all the students of BG 3rd sem that their tutorial Component for Environmental Science will be held as per this datesheet; Dated: 11-11-2022
Notice regarding duration of Classes on 10-11-2022; Dated: 9-11-2022
Notice for all the students of the college regarding facilitation of various Scholarship Scheme; Dated: 7-11-2022
Botany Practical Examination 6th sem, session 2022; Dated: 7-11-2022
Commencement of Hands-on Computer Trainning Programme; Dated: 5-11-2022
Datesheet of skill enhancement courses for B.G 3rd semester regular ( 2021) and backlog candidates( Choice based credit system) session October-November 2022; Dated: 2-11-2022
List of the students registered for two day training programme in Molecular Biology and Tissue culture at Science campus CUK on 2-11-2022 and 3-11-2022; Dated: 9-11-2022
Notice for the staff members of the college, regarding pledge ceremony against Corruption at 10:50 am in the college conference hall.; Dated: 31-10-2022
Tutorial examination of Disaster Management at 2:30; Dated: 29-10-2022
Revised botany practical notification B.Sc 4th sem ,2022; Dated: 28-10-2022
Notice for all the female students of the College; Dated: 25-10-2022
Datesheet of Skill papers for BG 4th sem; Dated: 25-10-2022
Botany Practical examination session 2022; Dated: 21-10-2022
Department of English NEP 2022 Tutorial Exams; Dated: 27-10-2022
Notice: Registration for NLIST; Dated: 19-10-2022
Library Membership cards I/- Cards of 1st/2nd Semester Students; Dated: 11-10-2022
Training Programme on computer Basics for the Library Users; Dated: 11-10-2022
Notice; for all the students of the college regarding health club; Dated: 8-10-2022
Notice for all female students of the college that college is organizing an awareness programme on "Breast Cancer"; Dated: 8-10-2022
Notice: Information for 5th/6th Semester Students regarding Picnic; Dated: 8-10-2022
Notice: for all the students of the GDC Ganderbal regarding Facilitation Centre/ Refreshment zone; Dated: 7-10-2022
Registration for botanical trip for B.Sc 6th sem, session 2022; Dated: 30-9-2022
Notice: Duration of Classes; Dated: 26-9-2022
BG 3rd sem urdu literature and urdu Mil assignments; Dated: 17-9-2022
Notice: All the Students of GDC Ganderbal are strictly informed once again that they can use their Mobile Phones only in restricted Phone Zone areas demarcated by the college Administration that too under emergency special circumstances only.; Dated: 15-9-2022
Notice: Allocation of multidisciplinary course, and skill enhncement courses for 2nd semester NEP batch 2022; Dated: 12-9-2022
ID Cards/Library Membership Cards for 3rd/4th Semester; Dated: 5-9-2022
Notice; It is notified for all the BG 1st semeter students that their regular classes for Minor Subjects will start from 6h September 2022.; Dated: 6-9-2022
Important Notice: Attention BG 1st/2nd Semester (Batch-2020); Dated: 3-9-2022
Notice: Reminder for the students of BG 5th semester (Batch 2019), 4th semester (Batch 2020 ) and 3rd semester ( Batch 2021 ); Dated: 3-9-2022
Student form numbers for feedback submission; Dated: 1-9-2022
Notice: All the students of BG 3rd, 4th and 5th sem are informed to submit the feedback on the feedback portal; Dated: 1-9-2022
Notice: Registration of 1st Semester Students on the NLIST portal; Dated: 29-8-2022
Notice: Library Membership Cards/I-Cards for the Students of BG 5th/ 6th Semester; Dated: 29-8-2022
Notice: it is notified for the information of all the students of GDC, Ganderbal that the office of comptroller and Audit General of India (CAG) India is inviting participation in the National Online Essay Writing Competition; Dated: 26-8-2022
Online National Essay Competition; Dated: 26-8-2022
Revised date sheet of Skill enhancement courses/papers for B.G 5TH Semester regular (Batch 2019) and Backlog Candidates (batch 2016-2018) CBCS (Choice Based Credit System ) session July-August 2022; Dated: 6-8-2022
Notice: admission process; Dated: 28-7-2022
Commencement of class work of Medicinal Botany ,3rd sem, session July 2022; Dated: 26-7-2022
Evaluation status of skill course 3rd sem ,Archeology: an introduction, Department of History, session 2022.; Dated: 21-7-2022
Evaluation Status of English Communication Skills And Personality Development BBA318S2 (Theory) 3rd Sem Batch 2020 Regular/Fresh private and Backlog Batches (2016-2019);; Dated: 19-7-2022
Evaluation status of 3rd sem medicinal botany , session 2022; Dated: 18-7-2022
NOTICE for Financial Aid 2022; Dated: 8-7-2022
NOTICE; Dated: 5-7-2022
Apply for Library Membership cards/I-cards for 1st / 2nd semester.; Dated: 1-7-2022
It is notified for the information of 2nd sem (batch 2021) Regular and fresh private students who missed tutorials in Paper English-II (ENG220 C)4+2 credits and Drama II (ELT220 C)4+2 due to one or the other reason that their examination will now be held on 01/07/2022 in Room no 42 and 43. N.B: There will be no re-exams after 1st July.; Dated: 28-6-2022
It is notified for the information of 2nd sem(Batch2021) English Literature students that the tutorial Exam of Paper (EL220C) British Drama will be now held on 24/06/2022 at 11:am in Room no 42 and 43.; Dated: 22-6-2022
Botany practical examination 5th sem, session 2022; Dated: 22-6-2022
Notification for 2nd Sem Gen English II(Tutorial) (BATCH 2021) SESSION 2022; Dated: 9-6-2022
World Environment Day Celebration!; Dated: 4-6-2022
Notification for practical examination of Botany 2nd sem, session 2022 .; Dated: 3-6-2022
Department of Psychology. Practical Missing Report 4th sem. Concerned students will contact HOD by or before 28/05/2022; Dated: 26-5-2022
Department of Psychology. Practical Missing Report (Skill course) 4th sem. Concerned students will contact HOD by or before 28/05/2022; Dated: 26-5-2022
Tutorial missing report. 4th sem English Language Teaching(Eng418S) (batch 2019) Backlog (2016-2018) All the concerned to approach the Department of English by or before 30/05/2022; Dated: 26-5-2022
Missing report B. Sc 4th sem Botany session 2022. All the concerned to approach Department of Botany upto 28-05-2022, 2 pm; Dated: 26-5-2022
Link for Online Quiz on Earth Day 2022 organized by Department of Botany; Dated: 21-4-2022
Online Quiz on Earth Day 2022 organized by Department of Botany; Dated: 22-4-2022
Link for registration for virtual lab workshop in physics at NIT srinagar. Students having physics as one of the subjects are eligible to apply; Dated: 17-4-2022
Practical examination of medicinal botany 3rd sem, session 2022 will be held on 20-04-2022 in the Department of Botany.; Dated: 16-4-2022
Instructions for the participants of drawing competition to be held on 11-04-2022 on the theme drug deaddiction; Dated: 9-4-2022
Missing Report of 1st semester Political Science batch 2021.; Dated: 8-4-2022
Missing report of Bsc 1st sem Botany Fresh n backlog students, session 2021.Contact department of Botany upto 10-04-2022; Dated: 7-4-2022
General English Tutorial Missing Report(Ist Sem); Dated: 7-4-2022
Awareness Programme on Social media and Cyber security on 06-04-2022; Dated: 5-4-2022
Postponement of Drawing competition on Drug deaddiction. The event will be held now on 11-04-2022; Dated: 1-4-2022
Link for registration for drawing competition on drug deaddiction organized by Debates and Seminar committee; Dated: 30-3-2022
Poshan Abhiyan and Plantation Drive at adopted village Waliwar, Ganderbal. For more details refer to events section; Dated: 27-3-2022
Fee payment options and instructions; Dated: 21-3-2022
Admission instructions 2022; Dated: 21-3-2022
Apply for Identity card 2022; Dated: 21-3-2022
Plantation Drive-All the students to join at 11 am on 12th march 2022, in college campus; Dated: 11-3-2022
No classwork; Dated: 5-3-2022
Offline classwork; Dated: 14-2-2022
Botany practical examination 3rd sem, session 2021-2022; Dated: 15-2-2022
Vaccination; Dated: 10-2-2022
MISSING REPORT Tutorials English Writing Skills (EWS517) BG 6th Sem (Batch 2018, Backlog 2016& 2017) Session 2021; Dated: 3-2-2022
Covid-19 vaccination regarding; Dated: 1-2-2022
Webinar to celebrate World Wetlands Day on 2nd February, 2022; Dated: 1-2-2022
Remittance of enrolments fee of NCC Cadets; Dated: 24-12-2021
Library Fixture for borrowing/returning books; Dated: 22-12-2021
Deptt. of Disaster Management - Last date for assignment BG (3rd semester); Dated: 21-12-2021
Department of Disaster management - Assignment for internal examination; Dated: 18-12-2021
Conduct of practical examination and completion of tutorial portion of BG 3rd Semester (Batch 2020); Dated: 17-12-2021
Awareness Program on Self Employment Schemes; Dated: 17-12-2021
Deptt. of Disaster Management - Conduction of practical Examination, 4th Semester; Dated: 16-12-2021
Closure of College library for Students releated activities; Dated: 15-12-2021
Interview (verification of original documents) for candidates of B.G 6th Sem.(Batch-2018) & 4th sem. (Batch 2019) who have submitted online applications for financial aid; Dated: 15-12-2021
Notification for the information of students of BG 3rd semester Batch 2020 that have not yet submitted their university examination fee; Dated: 14-12-2021
Department of English - Conduct of Tutorial 3rd Semester Regular/Fresh Private (Batch 2020); Dated: 14-12-2021
Extension in the last date for Application for College Financial Assistance 20-21; Dated: 10-12-2021
MISSING REPORT 2nd Sem Tutorials GEN ENG II (GEN220) REG 2020 BACK 2016-19 & FRESH PRIVATE; Dated: 9-12-2021
MISSING REPORT 2nd Sem Tutorials ENG LIT (EL220) REG 2020 BACK 2016-19 & FRESH PRIVATE; Dated: 9-12-2021
Deptt. of Education - Conduct of tutorial of ECCE, BG 4th semester - batch 2019; Dated: 4-12-2021
Notice for the students who have completed the industrial skill course, CCC (Course on Computer concepts) conducted by the college in collaboration with NIELIT Srinagar.; Dated: 4-12-2021
Botany practical exam notice 4th sem, session 2021; Dated: 3-12-2021
All the students of 3rd sem having Medicinal Botany to join wise app class with Id 556712178; Dated: 2-12-2021
Online application forms for deserving students of B.G 6th semester(batch -2018) and 4th semester ( batch 2019) for grant of Financial Assistance for the session 2021-22; Dated: 30-11-2021
Conduct of tutorial BG 4th semester batch 2019; Dated: 29-11-2021
Suspension of class work for conduct of UG exams; Dated: 20-11-2021
Library membership cards for BG 3rd/4th semester; Dated: 20-11-2021
Tutorial of General English - I, BA Ist Sem (Arts) Batch 2021 Regular and Fresh Private (Course code GEN120) Credit (4+2); Dated: 6-11-2021
Resumption of class work; Dated: 2-11-2021
Botany practical exmaination notification 6th sem session 2021; Dated: 25-10-2021
Todays Examinations are postponed; Dated: 23-10-2021
BG6th semesrer practical assignments; Dated: 28-10-2021
Notice to students appearing in B.G. 1st Semester Examination, tutorial or practical examination in other Semesters or have to visit the College in connection with other business like admission; Dated: 13-10-2021
Link for Tutorial - General English-II of BA 2nd Semester (General- Arts) Batch 2020 Regular & Fresh Private (LEFTOUT CANDIDATES)through Online mode; Dated: 10-10-2021
Guidelines/Instructions for students; Dated: 7-10-2021
Admission Notice; Dated: 6-10-2021
bg 3rd and 4th sem student data collection; Dated: 7-10-2021
Identity card bg 3rd 4th sem; Dated: 7-10-2021
Attention Bsc 3RD sem Botany Fresh n backlog students session 2021; Dated: 5-10-2021
TUTORIAL of Sociology for BA Ist Semester Batch 2021 Regular, Fresh Private & Backlog; Dated: 5-10-2021
Attention Bsc 2nd sem Botany Fresh n backlog students session 2021; Dated: 1-10-2021
Theory missing report. 3rd sem English 1 (batch 2019) Backlog (2016-2018); Dated: 29-9-2021
Attention Bsc Ist Botany backlog students session 2021; Dated: 28-9-2021
Missing reports telegram link for green technology Practical exam date 28.09.21 time 6 pm; Dated: 27-9-2021
Missing reports telegram link for green technology theory exam date 28.09.21 time 6 pm; Dated: 27-9-2021
Missing reports telegram link for Disaster management practical exam date 28.09.21 time 6 pm; Dated: 27-9-2021
Missing reports telegram link for Disaster management theory exam date 28.09.21 time 6 pm; Dated: 27-9-2021
Botany Ist sem practical notification, session 2021; Dated: 26-9-2021
3rd Sem Missing reports in theory examination of Green technology batch 2019 regular and backlog 2016-18; Dated: 24-9-2021
3rd sem Missing reports in practical examination of green technology batch 2019 regular and backlog 2016-18; Dated: 24-9-2021
3rd sem Missing reports in theory examination of Disaster Management batch 2019 regular and backlog 2016-18; Dated: 24-9-2021
3rd sem Missing reports in practical examination of Disaster Management batch 2019 regular and backlog 2016-18; Dated: 24-9-2021
Feedback form for the Students of 2nd Semester Batch 2020, 4th Semester Batch 2019 and 6th Semester Batch 2018 for year 2020-21; Dated: 23-9-2021
Feedback form for the Students of 4th Semester batch 2019 and 6th Semester Batch 2018 for the year 2019-20; Dated: 23-9-2021
Feedback form for the Students of Batch 2018 Presently in 6th semester in GDC Ganderbal; Dated: 23-9-2021
Chanakya IAS Academy free civil service workshop session by Success Guru (A.K. Mishra Sir) for the students of the college; Dated: 22-9-2021
Admission notification for students from UT of Jammu and Kashmir for 02 (two) seats in B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture degree program; Dated: 17-9-2021
Information to students to submit their vaccination details by today; Dated: 16-9-2021
Annual Athletic Meet 2021 for both Boys & Girls by Department of Physical Education & Sports, GDC Ganderbal; Dated: 15-9-2021
Direction to all faculty members to ask students (1st and 4th semester) to respond to the given link; Dated: 15-9-2021
Free civil service Orientation program for civil service aspirants of GDC Ganderbal; Dated: 14-9-2021
LINK FOR GEN ENG II (TUTORIAL) SEM 2nd (ARTS) Batch 2020 ( Regular & Fresh Private); Dated: 14-9-2021
Notice for students of B.G. 2nd Semester appearing in the examination scheduled on 11-09-2021; Dated: 10-9-2021
Direction to all HODs and subject coordinators to seek the necessary information from concerned students regarding their vaccination status; Dated: 31-8-2021
Direction to students (1st/2nd/4th/6th semesters) to respond to the departmental Google links to be shared by their concerned HODS (regarding their vaccination status); Dated: 31-8-2021
Placement Drive for BG 6th semester students who have completed their industrial skill courses by NIELIT; Dated: 28-8-2021
Link for Online Examination of Psychology paper of 3rd semester Batches 2019 and Backlog 2016-2018; Dated: 24-8-2021
Examination Notice - Department of Psychology; Dated: 24-8-2021
Important notice regarding vaccination status of students; Dated: 21-8-2021
Link for re examination of theory botany 3rd sem batch 2016 onwards; Dated: 21-8-2021
Notification for last chance for those students who have missed 3rd semester Botany Theory exams session 2021..; Dated: 20-8-2021
Conduct of Tutorial - General English-II of BA 2nd Semester (General- Arts) Batch 2020 Regular & Fresh Private through Online mode; Dated: 19-8-2021
LINKS FOR GEN ENG PAPER Regular & Fresh Private (Batch 2019) & Backlog (2016-18) Only for Left out students due to technical reasons; Dated: 19-8-2021
COVID-19 vaccination status of students; Dated: 18-8-2021
Tutorial Examination BG 2nd Semester Economics (Regular and Fresh Private Students) Batch 2020; Dated: 15-8-2021
All the students of 2nd sem botany , session 2020 fresh as well as backlog to join google classroom with code rj27s5s for further information; Dated: 10-8-2021
Vaccination drive; Dated: 4-8-2021
Webinar series; Dated: 31-8-2021
Examination of Socio of working with families and committee . Contact Prof. Shamus ul Haq 9906665969; Dated: 28-7-2021
Online exam link Financial Economics for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 27-7-2021
Online exam link Techniques of Social Research for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 27-7-2021
Examination of Socio of working with families and committee is postponed and new date is 28.06.2021; Dated: 26-7-2021
Online exam link Zaban ti Bawath for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM fir details contact Dr. Inayat 7006809207; Dated: 26-7-2021
Online exam link Managing Stress for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 26-7-2021
Online exam link Personality Development for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 26-7-2021
Online exam link COMMUNICATION SKILLS AND PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 26-7-2021
Online exam link Ethics in Islamic for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 26-7-2021
Online exam link Logic sets and complex trigometry for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM for details contact prof. Akhtar 8494045878; Dated: 26-7-2021
Online exam link ECCE for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 26-7-2021
Online exam link legislative support for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 26-7-2021
Online exam link Public Administration for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 26-7-2021
Online exam link Islamic Studies for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 24-7-2021
Online registration form to work as NSS Volunteers; Dated: 20-7-2021
Online exam link Hindi for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 23-7-2021
Online exam link Urdu Literature for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 17-7-2021
Online exam link Mathematics for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 17-7-2021
Islamic Studies 3rd sem paper postponed; Dated: 15-7-2021
Online exam link Statistics for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 15-7-2021
Online Practical exam link Disaster Management for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) 11 AM; Dated: 14-7-2021
Online Practical exam link Green Technology for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 10 AM; Dated: 14-7-2021
Online exam link Geography for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 13-7-2021
Practical Exam Date sheet for 3rd sem in Disaster Management and Green Technology; Dated: 11-7-2021
Online exam link Disaster Management for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 4 PM; Dated: 11-7-2021
Disaster Management Exam 3rd sem rescheduled at 4PM today 11-07-2021; Dated: 11-7-2021
Online exam link Green Technology for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 11-7-2021
Link for re examination of practical botany 3rd sem batch 2016 onwards; Dated: 10-7-2021
Online exam link e-commerce for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 9-7-2021
Online exam link Medicinal botany for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 9-7-2021
Online exam link Apiculture for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 9-7-2021
Online exam link Kashmiri Literature for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 9-7-2021
Online exam link Arabic Literature for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 9-7-2021
It is for the information of all the students of B. Sc 3rd semester Botany, Batch 2016- 2019who have missed practical examination that link for the same will be available at college website and respective Google Classroom (code ty6qdap) on 10th july 2021 at 12 noon to 12 :30 pm; Dated: 8-7-2021
Online exam link History for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 7-7-2021
Online exam link Geology for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 7-7-2021
Question paper for Persian 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 7-7-2021
Missing theory award in Environmental Studies 1st sem batch 2018, 2019 and 2020; Dated: 6-7-2021
Examination details of Green Technology and Disaster Management Skill papers; Dated: 5-7-2021
Revised date Sheet (Skill papers) for B.G 3rd Sem Regular/Fresh Private (Batch 2019) and Backlog (Batch 2016-2018) via online mode; Dated: 5-7-2021
Online exam link Economics for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 3PM; Dated: 5-7-2021
Online exam link Income Tax Law (Commerce) for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 5-7-2021
Online exam link Chemistry for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 5-7-2021
Online exam link Psychology for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 5-7-2021
Exam link for Theory Botany, 3rd semester Regular (2019)nd private batch (2016-2018); Dated: 3-7-2021
Online exam link sociology for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 3-7-2021
Online exam link Physics for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 1-7-2021
Online exam link Company Law (Commerce) for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 1-7-2021
Online exam link Education for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 10 AM; Dated: 1-7-2021
Online exam link political Science for 3rd sem regular/private (batch 2019) and backlog (2016-2018) time 11 AM; Dated: 1-7-2021
Conduct of Examination B.G 3rd Sem Regular/Fresh Private (Batch 2019) and Backlog (Batch 2016-2018) via online mode; Dated: 26-6-2021
Botany online examination of BG 3rd sem. Regular batch 2019 and backlog 2016-2018; Dated: 26-6-2021
Bca/it time table; Dated: 24-6-2021
3rd sem Disaster Management examination updates group on Telegram for regular Batch 2019 and backlog 2016-2019; Dated: 25-6-2021
3rd sem Green Technology examination updates group on Telegram for regular Batch 2019 and backlog 2016-2019; Dated: 25-6-2021
bca 3rd sem exam nottice; Dated: 24-6-2021
Subject/paper registration link of B.G 3rd Sem Regular (Batch 2019) and Backlog (Batch 2016-2018) opted by candidate but not mentioned in date sheet. Last date for registration is 29.06.2021.; Dated: 23-6-2021
Notice for ist sem 2021; Dated: 21-6-2021
Wiseapp Timetable for BG1st sem batch 2021; Dated: 21-6-2021
Ist sem time table; Dated: 15-6-2021
Statistics question paper for 4th Sem batch (backlog 2015) session April-May 2021; Dated: 7-6-2021
Notice for BG 3rd sem Botany, Internal Asssessments 2021; Dated: 6-6-2021
Botany practical; Dated: 23-4-2021
5th sem IT practicals; Dated: 23-3-2021
Bca admission notice; Dated: 18-3-2021
Commencement if industrial skill course CCC; Dated: 26-2-2021
Class work for 2nd and 4th sem; Dated: 13-2-2021
E contents for 2nd semester Mathematics students; Dated: 5-1-2021
Important notice for BG 3rd/4th sem (batch 2019) and 5th/6th sem (batch 2018); Dated: 22-12-2020
Internal Assesment paper 6th sem (Learning skills of media writing Urdu) for regular students (batch 2017); Dated: 21-12-2020
Important notice for BCA 6th sem students; Dated: 15-12-2020
Important notice for 6th sem (SEC Kashmiri) students; Dated: 14-12-2020
BCA 6th sem Artificial Intelligence paper; Dated: 14-12-2020
Notice for practical Examination 6th Semester Information Technology; Dated: 12-12-2020
Important notice for all HODs of the college; Dated: 12-12-2020
Registration of 2000 students from various colleges for skill trainings on future skills PRIME platform; Dated: 12-12-2020
Important notice for HODs about 6th sem practical examination; Dated: 10-12-2020
Notice for all HODs and faculty members of the college; Dated: 8-12-2020
Examination of Microeconomics-I which was postphoned shall be conducted on 5th Dec; Dated: 2-12-2020
Examination for Economics BG 1st Semester (Postphoned paper); Dated: 1-12-2020
Microeconomics paper postphoned; Dated: 28-11-2020
B.G 1st sem Kashmiri MIL (backlog 2016-2019) assignment; Dated: 27-11-2020
MIL: Arabic Question Paper backlog and fresh; Dated: 26-11-2020
LO cases of 5th sem; Dated: 24-11-2020
Important notice for Urdu literature BA 1st sem students; Dated: 23-11-2020
Date of examination BG ist semester; Dated: 21-11-2020
Re-Tender Notice for supply of hard coke iron stove, iron pipes and hard coke; Dated: 18-11-2020
SEMESTER END EXAMINATIONS_1st semester; Dated: 16-11-2020
Internal Assessment papers for BG 1st Sem (Urdu literature) regular batch 2020 and batch 2016,2017,2018,2019; Dated: 13-11-2020
Internal Assessment papers for BG 1st Sem (Urdu MIL) backlog batch 2016,2017; Dated: 13-11-2020
Internal Assessment papers for BG 1st Sem (Urdu MIL) backlog batch 2018,2019; Dated: 13-11-2020
UG 1st sem exam postphoned.; Dated: 12-11-2020
Revised Datesheet for 1st Sem; Dated: 11-11-2020
E Tendering for hard coke, rejected wood and hard coke hearting stove; Dated: 3-11-2020
Apply for college financial assistance; Dated: 27-10-2020
Important notice for BG 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th sem; Dated: 27-10-2020
Introduction of free AI classroom series; Dated: 16-10-2020
Announcement for Botany 2nd sem students; Dated: 7-10-2020
Important notice for all HODs of the college; Dated: 28-9-2020
Important notice for all HODs and teachers of the college; Dated: 28-9-2020
Notice for all departments of college; Dated: 26-9-2020
Notice for 2nd sem students; Dated: 26-9-2020
Skill Enhancement Courses; Dated: 2-9-2020
Remittance of Admision Fee; Dated: 2-9-2020
Admission Notice; Dated: 2-9-2020
Form for NCC enrollment; Dated: 20-8-2020
Admission Notification- Jamia Hamdard University; Dated: 17-8-2020
Important notice for 3rd Sem PSYCHOLOGY Students; Dated: 15-8-2020
Important notice for 3rd Sem 2018 students; Dated: 14-8-2020
Timetable for BCA 3rd, 5th and 6th semesters; Dated: 11-8-2020
Important notice for BG 3rd Sem batch 2016 backlog Candidates; Dated: 10-8-2020
Google Classes for 3rd and 5th Semester starting from 7th August; Dated: 4-8-2020
MANODARPAN-Initiative to provide support to students for their mental health and well being; Dated: 21-7-2020
Question Paper B.G 4th Semester; Dated: 18-6-2020
Question Paper B.G 2nd Semester; Dated: 18-6-2020
BG 2nd sem roll no series; Dated: 17-6-2020
BG 5th sem rollno series; Dated: 17-6-2020
Urgent... examination notification for fresh private/backlog 2ndnd ,4th &5th sem; Dated: 16-6-2020
Yoga day celebration 21st june; Dated: 16-6-2020
Contact nos for Examination quaries; Dated: 13-6-2020
Alternate modes of exam 2020; Dated: 12-6-2020
Successfull completion of Quiz organized by department of sociology; Dated: 7-6-2020
Successfull completion of Quiz on environment day; Dated: 6-6-2020
Guidelines of ug examination 2020; Dated: 5-6-2020
Quiz on gender sensitization; Dated: 3-6-2020
Register for webinar dept of biotechnology; Dated: 17-5-2020
Talent hunt 2020; Dated: 17-5-2020
Online mental health assessment for college students; Dated: 13-5-2020
Helpline to deal with distress during covid19; Dated: 12-5-2020
Online Mental Health Assessment in College Students of Kashmir Division (amid COVID-19 Pandemic).; Dated: 12-5-2020
E resources and free courses for students during covid19; Dated: 30-4-2020
Student alert for googleclassroom details; Dated: 20-4-2020
NLIST programme registration; Dated: 13-4-2020
Google classroom list2; Dated: 9-4-2020
Registration for IST 2nd and 5th sem classes; Dated: 12-4-2020
Mental health &well being of students during & after COVID19; Dated: 6-4-2020
Mhrd student helpline portal; Dated: 4-4-2020
Google class room; Dated: 2-4-2020
Excursion postponed; Dated: 16-7-2019
Fee structure; Dated: 22-6-2019
Library nottice; Dated: 23-3-2019
Admission process 3rd and 4th semester; Dated: 17-6-2019
Attention Pass-out students; Dated: 8-5-2019
District Youth Parliament; Dated: 14-1-2019
IIQA Self Declaration; Dated: 4-1-2019
Urgent for passout students; Dated: 31-12-2018
scholarship; Dated: 21-4-2021
List of students who have missed their internal exams (semester 6th) subject Educational Technology & Guidance & Counselling Download the list; Dated: 3-2-2022
Evaluation Status of Early Childhood Care & Education" Examination(Backlog) 3rd semester Batch 2016-2019; Dated: 21-7-2022
List of students who have missed their internal exams (semester 5th) subject ECCE; Dated: 26-5-2022
Evaluation status of ECCE SKILL Course BATCH 2022 semester IST; Dated: 6-1-2023
Welfare Measures
NCC Girls
Academic Calendar
College Magzine
Institutional Innovation Council
Health Care
Slow Learner Programmes
Entrepreneurship Cell
NCC Boys
Women Facilities
Career Counselling Cell
Physical Education and Sports
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